A Roman Catholic Blog Investigating the Traditional Catholic Movement, Both Real and False, and the True Hierarchy of the Universal Church as It Exists Today

12 December, 2007

Modernist Family News -- A Warning To Good-Hearted Catholics

One of the most popular and high-profile publications for Traditional Catholics is the Catholic Family News. Most good-hearted Traditionalists, seeing articles on Pius XII, the Traditional Latin Mass, and Catholicism as it existed before 1958, assume that the Catholic Family News is both Catholic and traditional.

We contend that it is neither, and offer these simple facts for the reader to consider:

The Catholic Family News is owned and published by Nicholas Gruner, the famed "Fatima Priest" and publisher of Fatima Crusader and many other fund-raising publications and ventures.

However, "Father Gruner" is a double misnomer. That is because Gruner was ordained in the New Rite of Paul VI. Gruner was never conditionally re-ordained in the old rite; he believes in the new rite [but apparently does not believe in making this fact widely known to potential donors]. So if you are a Traditional Catholic and do not believe in the validity of the new sacraments, to you Nicholas Gruner is not a priest. But Gruner's non-ordination is a double misnomer, because the Conciliar Church rejects him as well -- if you believe in the Conciliar Church, if that is your religion and you believe in its sacraments, you are also forbidden to approach Gruner for your sacraments. In the words of the Apostolic Nuncio, Gabriel Montavio, speaking with the full authority of his church and religion: "Nicholas Gruner is not a priest in good standing with the Roman Catholic Church."

Catholic Family News uses, writes about, and features many of these New Order "priests": the late "Fr" Hesse, "Fr" Paul Kramer, Stephen Zigrang [a Novus Ordo presbyter serving as "priest" for the SSPX at the Queen of Angels chapel in Texas], Lawrence Smith, Patrick Perez, and Paul Stretenovic. Smith, Stretenovic, and Zigrang were ordained in the new rite, not the old.

It is this abominable Evil, sending laymen out to administer false "sacraments" to [and collecting money from] the unsuspecting Faithful, that the Catholic Family News is all about -- and what they laughably call defending Catholic Tradition without compromise. They misspelled "defeating"!

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